What is Minimester?
PCA's World Impact Team designed Minimester to support a wide range of travel, enrichment, and service opportunities for our students to extend the classroom to other cultures, learn leadership through serving and to "go and make disciples of all nations," (Matthew 28:19). Minimester usually takes place a week before students' Spring Break in March and kicks off with a special World Impact Day All School Worship.
Watch: PCA North 2024 Minimester Recap
Why do Minimester?
Why would a school dedicate an entire week of its curriculum calendar to allow Middle and Upper School students to go on trips across the state, nation and world?" The Great Commission initiative called Minimester is a difference factor for Prestonwood Christian Academy," said Mike Beeson, Minister of Missions at Prestonwood Baptist Church and a Minimester trip leader. "Sure, the tens of thousands of Luke 10 seeds planted collectively in the people ministered to on the five continents are important. As are the hundreds of new salvations in countries around the world. But the real game-changer is the life-impacting changes that occur in the lives of the 900-plus students and adult leaders that participate annually in Minimester opportunities. The hallways and classrooms of PCA are dramatically different because of these life-impacting changes. I believe this is what makes Minimester 'the difference factor' at PCA. Without it, PCA is just another above-average private Christian school. But with Minimester's life-changing ability, PCA becomes one of the premier private Christian schools in the nation."

"The main thing I saw is the urgency for the Gospel. We would go out into the villages each day and meet with people who had never heard the name of Jesus. With only 10 students on the trip we grew extremely close and got to serve together which was so much fun." -Ashley (South Asia)

"While in Atlanta, we served at the Dream Center, an outreach center for the people in Atlanta. We served the homeless, made cards sharing God's love, and packed food boxes. The Atlanta trip showed me that sharing God's love can really change lives and serving Him can make a huge impact."
Avery (Atlanta)
"The trip was so much fun to go on. We had a really small group so we really got to know each other. I realized I don't need to go far to have a great Minimester trip and meet all kinds of people."
Leighton (Dallas)