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KPi Classes

Raising Resilient Children
Taught by Dan Panetti Esq 
Oct. 7, 14, 21, 28 


Building a Kingdom Family
Taught by  Jon Lineberger Ed.D.
Oct. 22, 28, Nov 5, 12

What resources does KPi offer parents?

Throughout the school year there are various opportunities for parents to take advantage of  training geared just to them. 

  • Worldview Training
  • Cultural Apologetics
  • Marriage
  • Parenting

These opportunities include:


Parents are invited to attend lunch series at either campus!

Registration is required. 

Plano Campus Fall Kingdom Family Lunch Series

“When God wants to speak and deal with us, he does not avail himself of an angel but of parents, or the pastor, or of our neighbor.” Martin Luther

Raising Resilient Children - taught by Dan Panetti, Esq., PCA's Worldview Director

As a parent, you know the role you play in the life, development, and well-being of your children is important, vital, crucial…and just like anything of value, it takes time and energy to do the job well. “Building Resilient Children” is the theme started last year and it still works – that’s the goal, developing children who can withstand the pressures to conform to the world standards and ideals – grounded in the truth of God’s Word. This year we’ll tackle four new resources to equip you, the parent, to train your children.

Resources Covered:

The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self by Carl Trueman

Mama Bear Apologetics by Hillary Morgan Ferrer

Messy Truth by Caleb Kaltenbach

 A Man of God  by Dr. Jack Graham


Thursdays: Oct. 7, 14, 21, 28

Class Details:
•  Location: PCA Plano Campus Leadership Center in the Grogan Conference Room
•  Time: Noon - 1:00 p.m.
•  Cost: *$30 per person (includes lunch & course material)
•  In-Person 

Register Here

North Campus Fall Kingdom Family Lunch Series

We only have one opportunity to raise our kids. The most important assignment you have as a parents is to teach your children about Jesus Christ and train them with a biblical worldview. This course is designed to help you by providing a working understanding of the Kingdom education partnership and encouragement with practical application for Christian parenting along with principles for biblical leadership. You will leave each session hopeful and inspired with action steps you can implement immediately.

Building a Kingdom Family- taught by Jon Lineberger Ed.D., PCA's Director of Major Gifts

Topics include:

  • Understanding the Kingdom education partnership
  • Building a strong family
  • Principles for Christian parenting
  • Tools for biblical leadership

Fridays: Oct. 22, 28, Nov. 5, 12

Class Details:
•  Location: PCA North Campus in the Gathering Room 
•  Time: Noon - 1:00 p.m.
•  Cost: *$30 per person (includes lunch & course material)
•  In-Person 

Register Here

"Parenting isn’t for the faint of heart - even with the most intentional parents, there are so many factors pressing down on our students that just weren’t there when we were kids - seems like the world is more complicated and the time we get to spend with our kids training them flies by too quickly. These four weeks will examine some of the latest developments in social science while also going back to the fundamental principles of Scripture as we look to learn together how to give our best effort to the most important role - being a parent."

Dan Panetti, Esq
Worldview Director, Prestonwood Christian Academy