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Why PCA North?

Our Difference

To best equip our students for the world outside of their Christian home, PCA North believes a strong partnership between the home, school and church, the basis for Kingdom education, is the foundation for educating the whole child. It is this partnership, working in synergy, that allows a student to fully develop into all that God has planned for them. It is PCA's desire that through a Christian, Liberal Arts education, students "grow in wisdom, stature and favor with both God and man." Our fully biblically integrated curriculum, staff and student relationships and our Portrait of a Graduate all make Prestonwood Christian Academy North a school of distinction.


Our Distinctive Programs

Who Are We?

PCA North is delighted to be recognized as an institution that does school differently. In Matthew 10:16, Jesus sent His disciples into the world with the statement, “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be shrewd as snakes and innocent as doves.” We believe Jesus’ command in Matthew was charging us to maintain a discerning attitude when dealing with circumstances we face in the world, and we strive to teach our students in a similar manner.


Featured Videos: Life at PCA North


PCA North Forthcoming Parade
PCA North Grandparents Day
PCA North School Tour
PCA North Graduation Week Recap 2024


Parent Testimonials

We value very much the relationships we have developed with like-minded families as a result of our involvement at Prestonwood Christian Academy North."

PCA North Parent

The teachers at PCA North are instrumental in training children to walk with the Lord. This approach is incredibly beneficial in developing the entire child, rather than equipping them only for academic success.”

PCA North Parent